Wednesday 31 March 2010

A Crime Scene by Albert Van Hoogmoed

A Crime Scene

Theres been a murder, a woman was killed,
found in a bathtub, partially filled.

A pair of policemen went into the house
and questioned the poor womans spouse.

He'd just come home from working all night
and found her like that, a terrible sight.

The younger policeman looked on with dismay.
He'd never forget that terrible day.

He saw the young woman from behind the door
and empty milk cartons all over the floor,

Scattered strawberries, slices of fruit,
and spoonfulls of sugar and honey to boot.

"Who woulkd have done this terrible thing?"
His voice had a horrified, pitiful ring.

"Just look at the clues," replied Sargaent Miller.
"It looks like it's the work of a cereal killer."
You may be interested to know that this blog recieved at 10/10 for how brilliant it was and how much people have learnt from it.
Keep updating your knowledge by visiting this blog as much as you can!!!!
You can write a poem about one of these genres or think of your own!!!

Tuesday 30 March 2010

The storm

The wind blew wild
as it bit into the world
Whilst the lightening struck
the innocent prisoners
of the storm
The thunder roared
its earsplitting below
it would be some time
before it would disappear...

By Lydia(Blogger)



Have a go at one or two of these activities as it will help you whilst you are studying:
1. Write at least one verse of a poem of any specific genre. (It needs to be your own poem!)
2. Write at least one verse of a poem telling a story. (It needs to be your own poem!)
3. Make a list of rhyming words . (To challenge yourself, you could investigate rhyming words with the same letter that it starts with- does it work?)
4. Make a list of rhyming couplets.
5. Write a poem at the top of your head and see how good it is. (You could then post it on the blog in a comment on this post.)
6. Write a poem, trying as hard as you can, and then post it on the blog in a comment on this post.

How far can you challenge yourself?

We're going on a bear hunt

Michael Rosen is a great poem author, and some of his poems are told in a story-form. Here is one of his brilliant poems; performed by himself. Plus, on the links bar at the side of the page, you will be able to go to his website where you can find videos, pictures, poems and more!


Now we are going to be telling you about story poems. There are many famous authors that write these sort of poems!!!

Thursday 25 March 2010

There is going to be lots more information about poems on this blog so keep looking as many times as you like. you can be a follower if you want and feel free to post a comment on our posts! Plus, we are trying to make sure that we don't make any spelling mistakes without noticing so if you do see a mistake anywhere then please comment on that post so that we can change it.
Thank you.

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Shape poems

Shape poems are really effective because the poem is in the form that the subject is about. For example, a poem about a flower could be in the shape of a flower!

A little clip with some poem-related pictures:

a powerpoint to help you with some poem features!

We hope you like our blog so far and that you have learnt lots of things. There is more to come as well, to make sure that you know that you can be extremely confident when SATS come along.
Please comment on this post with a poem for us if you can!

Dolphin poem....

This is another poem by us:

The Dolphin

I was sailing in the sea
What could there be?
I saw some fish
as the waves went swish.

Then I saw
the dolphin of course!

Bubbles was his name
he told me when he came
we had lots of fun
swimming under the beating sun

Then it stopped
and everything dropped
for this extroadinary dream
was over.

Rhyming couplets

There are such things as rhyming couplets which are two lines that the last words rhyme in:

I like fish
On a silver dish

I love rice
It is really nice

This is a great way to write a poem as it is extremely effective!
Here is another example of a poem without rhyming.

The wind blew wild
The waves dances
hysterically in the storm
then suddenly
everything turned silent
everything was asleep
everything was still
the storm
that had been there for more than you can imagine
died down...


You do not have to rhyme in poems. There are many poems by authors that do not rhyme but are still extremely effective.

Tuesday 2 March 2010

This is a poem all about dolphins, written by us:

My dolphin:
My dolphin is wild
It lives in the sea
It drifts with the waves
It stays close to me
It glides from below
The deep blue sea
And when it is tired
It catches it's tea

Welcome to our blog!

Hiya and welcome to our blog all about poems! We are going to help you to revise for your SATS so that you can do really well and understand poems easily! We hope you really like our blog and we will be updating it as much as we can. We also hope that you will be looking on this blog in the future if you need help or want to find something out so that you feel more confident towards poems!!! We will be showing things like poems, ideas on whaty you could write poems about that would be really good and much more!