Tuesday 30 March 2010



Have a go at one or two of these activities as it will help you whilst you are studying:
1. Write at least one verse of a poem of any specific genre. (It needs to be your own poem!)
2. Write at least one verse of a poem telling a story. (It needs to be your own poem!)
3. Make a list of rhyming words . (To challenge yourself, you could investigate rhyming words with the same letter that it starts with- does it work?)
4. Make a list of rhyming couplets.
5. Write a poem at the top of your head and see how good it is. (You could then post it on the blog in a comment on this post.)
6. Write a poem, trying as hard as you can, and then post it on the blog in a comment on this post.

How far can you challenge yourself?

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